CCC, Mitchell and Audatex: Spray out card/ Color Matching Considerations

Neither CCC or Mitchell have assigned labor values for Color Matching/ Spray out card operatations which are considered NOT INCLUDED operations for both. Any labor or materials required to perform color match and or spray [...]

2020-05-15T10:08:29-04:00May 11th, 2020|DEG Estimating Tips|

CCC – Door skin/ Door outer panel replacement repair time

When replacing a door skin, CCC/MOTORS GTE states "straightening of door frame" is NOT INCLUDED. Additionally, any repairs required to the new door skin/ outer panel after installation are NOT INCLUDED. DEG Inquiry 16087 states: "• MOTOR does not assign fixed [...]

2020-05-15T10:02:55-04:00May 4th, 2020|DEG Estimating Tips|

CCC, Audatex and Mitchell – Aluminum/ Clean room set up

All three information providers have provided a response to address aluminum/ clean room set up times. CCC and Audatex have stated this is a NOT INCLUDED operation. Mitchell states "NO additional time is needed". CCC [...]

2020-04-28T12:51:51-04:00April 27th, 2020|DEG Estimating Tips|

Mitchell – Additional related refinish material calculations

Auto Paint Materials Calculation: De-nib & Finesse, Finish Sand and Buff and Mask for Overspray, while coming on the estimate as a "Refinish" Labor Type, do not contribute to the materials calculation when using the [...]

2020-04-28T12:50:06-04:00April 20th, 2020|DEG Estimating Tips|

CCC, Mitchell and Audatex – Welding Equipment Set Up/ Test Weld

Some OEM repair procedures may indicate various welding techniques in different areas of the repair for a single component. Examples may include a single or combination of STRSW, MAG, MIG or CuSi Braze welding. Consideration [...]

2020-04-28T12:58:45-04:00April 6th, 2020|DEG Estimating Tips|

CCC, Mitchell and Audatex: Steering Column Inspection

CCC: Many vehicle manufacturers use collapsible steering columns to absorb energy sustained from a collision impact. These columns should be inspected for proper length, binding and deformation among other specific considerations. Failure to do so [...]

2020-04-03T09:52:13-04:00March 23rd, 2020|DEG Estimating Tips|

Mid-Week Estimating Tip: Disinfecting Vehicles / Work Areas

Amidst this Covid-19 Corona virus, we urge all professionals providing services to take care and caution while working in a public setting. Please follow all CDC recommendations regarding cleanliness and disinfecting your work area. Due [...]

2020-03-19T11:52:37-04:00March 18th, 2020|DEG Estimating Tips|
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