Estimating Tip: Mitchell- Lamp Aiming NOT INCLUDED operations

“Currently Mitchell does not create procedural page information for Lamp Aiming. Specific included and not-included operations are not defined.” DEG Inquiry 20081 “Variables identified in the service procedure such as the following have not been [...]

2022-04-29T11:35:23-04:00May 2nd, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: CCC/ MOTOR- FORD Impact bar modifications NOT INCLUDED

DEG Inquiry 19868 identifies feedback on not included operations for drilling holes or performing additional modifications to the replacement impact bar “Any additional modifications to the Impact Bar are not included.” An Add If Required [...]

2022-04-22T14:51:38-04:00April 25th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: All three CCC, Mitchell and Audatex: Checking and Filling Transmission fluid

CCC: DEG Inquiry 20048 “Checking transmission fluid using a dipstick is included with radiator R&R/R&I. On vehicles that do not have dipsticks on automatic transmissions, checking fluid would not be included in R&R/R&I radiator and [...]

2022-04-19T09:30:51-04:00April 19th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: Audatex: Stellantis / FCA “Net, Form and Pierce” procedure NOT INCLUDED

DEG Inquiry 19798 Provides feedback regarding a procedure commonly found in Stellantis / FCA repair procedures: “Net, form and pierce is a manufacturing process which takes place during the original build of the vehicle. The [...]

2022-04-18T09:16:30-04:00April 18th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: CCC, Mitchell and Audatex: Eyelash Labor NOT INCLUDED

Labor for eyelash’s is NOT INCLUDED in all three information providers labor times. Always reference P Pages and Footnotes for the most accurate included/ NOT included operations APRIL FOOLS! For more information about SCRS, [...]

2022-03-31T15:31:02-04:00April 4th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: Mitchell- Interior masking for truck bed refinish (AMMENDED RESPONSE)

Inquiry 19742 provides feedback regarding NOT INCLUDED interior bed masking operation. Mitchell provides additional interior masking calculations in page 28 refinish procedure Interior masking may be necessary when refinishing exterior surfaces to stop overspray damage [...]

2022-03-25T15:52:41-04:00March 28th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: Mitchell- Interior masking for truck bed refinish

Inquiry 19742 provides feedback regarding NOT INCLUDED interior bed masking operation. Mitchell provides additional interior masking calculations in page 28 refinish procedure Interior masking may be necessary when refinishing exterior surfaces to stop overspray damage [...]

2022-03-21T10:14:56-04:00March 21st, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: CCC/ MOTOR- Rear body panel trim NOT included with quarter panel replacement

DEG Inquiry 19739 response from CCC/MOTOR states “Rear Body Trim would not be included with R&R of Quarter Panel.” For more information about SCRS, or to join as a member, please visit, call toll [...]

2022-03-16T12:05:19-04:00March 15th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: Audatex: Refinish time on welded panel seam

Page 172 in Audatex DBRM Section 5-2 FAQ’s “Question: Does Audatex include time to refinish the welded areas? Answer: Audatex refinish labor provides a refinish allowance for the entire panel selected. This includes refinish of [...]

2022-03-04T11:01:11-05:00March 7th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: CCC, Mitchell and Audatex: Masking and protecting High Voltage Components

All three estimating systems (CCC, Mitchell and Audatex): Masking and protecting High Voltage Components. The following DEG Inquiries from all three information providers respond to masking / capping / protecting high voltage (HV) components. CCC [...]

2022-02-28T09:16:59-05:00February 28th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|
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