DEG Estimating Tips2021-03-01T16:47:10-05:00

DEG Estimating Tips

DEG Estimating Tips

Estimating Tip- CCC/MOTOR – “Blend” allowance for parts not serviced as individual components.

March 27th, 2023|DEG Estimating Tips|

DEG Inquiry 23447 states: “After review of MOTOR Crash Estimating Data, estimated Refinish times are developed for the exterior panel(s) as serviced by the OEM. [...]

Estimating Tip- Steering Gear Initialization/ Re-learning NOT INCLUDED

February 6th, 2023|DEG Estimating Tips|

OEM repair procedures for replacement steering gear assemblies may require programming or re-learning as per the OEM repair procedures. Additional labor for this diagnostic step, [...]

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