DEG Estimating Tips2021-03-01T16:47:10-05:00

DEG Estimating Tips

DEG Estimating Tips

Estimating Tip – Mitchell – Mix Toners

August 19th, 2024|Comments Off on Estimating Tip – Mitchell – Mix Toners

DEG Inquiry 12029 shares Mitchell feedback that “labor to mix toners from color bank to achieve a color” is NOT INCLUDED. Due to variables in color formulas and product types, an on-the-spot evaluation would be required to determine labor and material costs.

Estimating Tip- Prep for refinish on panels with factory applied scratch resistant clear (nano clear)

June 27th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

DEG Inquiry 20445 response from CCC - "An on-the-spot evaluation must be performed and agreed upon by both estimators to apply an estimated work time for the [...]

Estimating Tip: CCC/ MOTOR- CCC Bumper Prompt Language Updates

June 20th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips| CCC has made recent updates regarding the language of the BUMPER PROMPT. A better understanding of the prompt and how to correctly select “YES” [...]

Estimating Tip: CCC/ MOTOR- Refinish Labor vs Refinish Paint Supplies

June 13th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips| “Paint Labor is the work on the part of the technician. It’s their hourly rate, plus whatever money the shop is making off of his [...]

Estimating Tip: All three estimating systems (Audatex, CCC, and Mitchell): Cooling fan operation test is NOT INCLUDED

June 6th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

DEG Inquiry 20268, CCC: “After review, testing operation of the cooling fan would not be an included operation when R&I/R&R cooling fan is selected.” DEG [...]

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