DEG Estimating Tips2021-03-01T16:47:10-05:00

DEG Estimating Tips

DEG Estimating Tips

Estimating Tip – Mitchell – Side Body Refinish

March 24th, 2025|Comments Off on Estimating Tip – Mitchell – Side Body Refinish

When repair or replacement of side body panel (Quarter panels) needing refinish, additional labor may require extending basecoat / clear coat into the side body aperature/ uniside panels. When selecting refinishing operations, additional labor can be added for pillars, edges, when available and necessary.

Estimating Tip – CCC – R&I Headlights does not include Aim Lights

March 17th, 2025|DEG Estimating Tips|

Recent DEG Inquiry 38543 features feedback from MOTOR that establishes "anytime the headlamp assembly is removed from the vehicle the ’Aim Headlamps’ operation should be performed and [...]

Estimating Tip – Solera Qapter (Audatex) – Corrosion Protection

March 3rd, 2025|DEG Estimating Tips|

Solera Qapter DBRM page 146 Section 4-4 Refinish guidelines states "Corrosion protection is the process and materials used to prevent corrosion."End users can itemize materials and labor for [...]

Estimating Tip – Solera Qapter (Audatex) – Repaired Panel Refinish

February 3rd, 2025|DEG Estimating Tips|

Solera Qapter DBRM page 141 section 4-4 Refinish Guideline statesRepaired Panel Refinish"When a repaired panel is being refinished, the estimator provides time for the repair of [...]

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