Estimating Tip: CCC/ MOTOR- Pressing out damage bearing NOT INCLUDED

DEG Inquiry 20533 response from MOTORS “The estimated work time applied to the Hub & Bearing is for replacement of all new parts. The time to remove the Hub from the Bearing is not included [...]

2022-07-01T10:09:26-04:00July 4th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip- Prep for refinish on panels with factory applied scratch resistant clear (nano clear)

DEG Inquiry 20445 response from CCC - "An on-the-spot evaluation must be performed and agreed upon by both estimators to apply an estimated work time for the additional prep that needs to be done for ceramic application [...]

2022-06-24T09:32:23-04:00June 27th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: CCC/ MOTOR- CCC Bumper Prompt Language Updates CCC has made recent updates regarding the language of the BUMPER PROMPT. A better understanding of the prompt and how to correctly select “YES” or “NO” can be found on the link provided. It [...]

2022-06-21T09:13:34-04:00June 20th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: CCC/ MOTOR- Refinish Labor vs Refinish Paint Supplies “Paint Labor is the work on the part of the technician. It’s their hourly rate, plus whatever money the shop is making off of his labor. So, if the estimate grants 4 hours to paint [...]

2022-06-13T09:08:36-04:00June 13th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: All three estimating systems (Audatex, CCC, and Mitchell): Cooling fan operation test is NOT INCLUDED

DEG Inquiry 20268, CCC: “After review, testing operation of the cooling fan would not be an included operation when R&I/R&R cooling fan is selected.” DEG Inquiry 20269, Audatex : “Per Audatex Internal Guidelines, the labor [...]

2022-06-02T11:32:18-04:00June 6th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: Audatex : NOT INCLUDED body/ structural repair operations

It is often beneficial to the end-user to know exactly what additional operations are included and what operations need to be factored separately on the estimate. DEG Inquiry 19992 asks Audatex to respond to specific [...]

2022-05-27T14:28:49-04:00May 30th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: CCC/ MOTOR- Air Bag System Diagnosis / Scanning operation

DEG Inquiry 20271 response from MOTORS “After review of MOTOR data, the estimated work time applied to "Airbag System Diagnosis" includes the use of a Scan Tool, clearing "Air Bag" fault codes and/or recording fault [...]

2022-05-18T09:42:22-04:00May 23rd, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: Mitchell- RMC Procedure Explanations

Mitchell RMC (Refinish Material Calculator) Included and NOT Included materials can be viewed here For more information about SCRS, or to join as a member, please visit, call toll free 1-877-841-0660 or email [...]

2022-05-16T09:56:35-04:00May 16th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|

Estimating Tip: CCC and Mitchell- Refinishing roof with no break point

CCC and Mitchell has provided feedback to inquiries regarding masking operations when refinishing a roof panel without a breakpoint. Additional information about extending clear coat van be watched in this SCRS Quick Tip Video DEG [...]

2022-05-09T10:00:10-04:00May 9th, 2022|DEG Estimating Tips|
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